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CataractCoach 1422: IOL surgery for ectopia lentis
CataractCoach 1483: challenging case of ectopia lentis cataract surgery
Surgical Pearls on How to Handle Ectopia Lentis: Lens Removal, IOL, CTR, Sutured CTS
lensectomy with yamane IOL fixation for ectopia lentis
Hookapalooza! Removal of cataract in patient with Ectopia Lentis et Pupillae
Phaco in Subluxated Lens: Ectopia Lentis in Marfan Syndrome Surgical Technique
AIOC2023 - VT358 - DR.JITENDER JINAGAL - Surgical management of ectopia lentis.
Ectopia lentis surgery in Marfan Syndrome: lens aspiration, cionni ring and IOL imp. Dr. Necip KARA
01 FEB 2022, Fathima Allapitchai, Cionni CTR Ectopia Lentis
Ectopia Lentis
CataractCoach 1423: subluxated cataract surgery and pupilloplasty
CataractCoach 1421: belt loop technique to secure IOLs